Exploring the Depths of Data: An Introduction to Nodegoat

This is a guest post by Özge Eda Kaya (@ozgedakaya on Twitter/X).

Nodegoat is a web-based research application framework developed by LAB1100, a research and development studio based in the Netherlands. It is designed to assist researchers in managing, analyzing, and visualizing complex datasets, particularly in the humanities and social sciences fields. Nodegoat allows users to create their own research databases, define data models, input and manage data, perform advanced queries, and generate visualizations.

Some key features of Nodegoat:

Nodegoat has been used in various academic and research projects across disciplines such as history, sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies. It provides a flexible and user-friendly environment for managing and analyzing complex datasets, making it a valuable tool for researchers working with large amounts of data.

1. Data Modeling:

Nodegoat allows researchers to create sophisticated data models tailored to their specific research questions. Users can define their own data models according to their research needs. Users can define entities (such as people, events, locations, etc.), attributes (characteristics of entities), and relationships (connections between entities). This flexibility enables researchers to capture the complexity of their data in a structured and organized manner.

2. Data Input and Management:

Researchers can input data into Nodegoat using various methods, including manual entry, spreadsheet import, or through APIs. The platform provides intuitive interfaces for adding, editing, and managing data, ensuring that researchers can maintain accurate and up-to-date datasets.

3. Querying and Analysis:

The platform offers advanced querying capabilities that enable researchers to extract meaningful insights from their data. Users can create complex queries using a combination of filters, conditions, and aggregations. This allows for in-depth analysis of relationships, patterns, and trends within the dataset.

4. Visualization:

Nodegoat provides powerful visualization tools to help researchers explore and interpret their data more effectively. Users can generate a wide range of visualizations, including charts, graphs, maps, and timelines. These visualizations can provide valuable insights into the underlying structure and dynamics of the data.

5. Customization:

Nodegoat is highly customizable, allowing researchers to tailor the platform to their specific research needs. Users can customize data models, interfaces, and workflows to accommodate unique research requirements. This flexibility makes Nodegoat suitable for a wide range of research projects across different disciplines.


Nodegoat has been used in various academic and research projects, including historical research, sociological studies, anthropological inquiries, and cultural analyses. Its versatility and adaptability make it a valuable tool for researchers working with diverse datasets and research questions.

Overall, Nodegoat provides a comprehensive platform for managing, analyzing, and visualizing complex datasets, empowering researchers to uncover new insights and advance knowledge in their respective fields.

1. Historical Research:

Nodegoat has been employed in various historical research projects to manage and analyze large datasets related to historical events, individuals, and societies. For example, researchers might use Nodegoat to create databases of historical texts, archival records, or genealogical data, allowing them to explore patterns, connections, and trends over time.

2. Sociological Studies:

Sociologists utilize Nodegoat to study social networks, organizational structures, and cultural phenomena. Researchers might use Nodegoat to analyze data from surveys, interviews, or social media platforms, enabling them to investigate relationships, interactions, and dynamics within social groups or communities.

3. Anthropological Inquiries:

Anthropologists leverage Nodegoat to study diverse cultures, traditions, and human behaviors. For instance, researchers might use Nodegoat to create databases of ethnographic data, archaeological findings, or linguistic records, enabling them to explore patterns of migration, cultural exchange, or social change across different populations.

4. Cultural Analyses:

Nodegoat is also used in cultural studies to analyze cultural artifacts, practices, and representations. Researchers might use Nodegoat to create databases of artworks, literature, or media content, allowing them to investigate themes, motifs, or trends within cultural productions.

5. Digital Humanities:

In the field of digital humanities, Nodegoat serves as a valuable tool for managing and analyzing digital collections, textual corpora, and historical datasets. Researchers might use Nodegoat to create interactive digital exhibits, conduct distant reading analyses, or perform network analyses on large-scale datasets.

6. Spatial Analysis:

Nodegoat can also be used for spatial analysis, where researchers analyze geographical data and spatial relationships. For example, historians might use Nodegoat to map out the locations of historical events or migrations, while urban planners might use it to analyze patterns of urban development or demographic change.

These examples illustrate the diverse range of applications for which Nodegoat has been utilized across various academic disciplines and research domains. Its flexibility and versatility make it a valuable tool for researchers seeking to manage, analyze, and visualize complex datasets in their respective fields of study.

“From Data Points to Geographic Insights: Spatial Analysis with Nodegoat”

In order to work on the Nodegoat platform, it is first necessary to make a request to create an account. Once your request is accepted, you can start exploring the world of Nodegoat!

There are three tabs: “Data”, “Management”, and “Model”. You can find more detailed information on how to proceed in the “Guides” section of the platform itself. 

For this blog post, I prepared a study on the distribution of some of the Mimar Sinan mosques in Istanbul on the map. 

While preparing this study, after uploading the names, construction dates, and locations of the buildings in my database to the platform in CSV format, I entered the information in the “Object Type” and “Sub-objects” sections and when I came to the “Data” section, Nodegoat automatically visualized the data I uploaded. 

In addition to seeing the locations of the mosques in the visualization on the map, it also prepared diagrams showing the construction dates of the mosques chronologically. 

Visualizing your data is now much easier with Nodegoat!


I prepared this blog post as a result of the workshop organized jointly by Marmara University Center of Digital Humanities and Nodegoat platform. I would like to thank the Digital Humanities team and Nodegoat platform trainers for the opportunity to receive the training.

Bree, P. van, Kessels, G., (2013). nodegoat: a web-based data management, network analysis & visualisation environment, http://nodegoat.net from LAB1100, http://lab1100.com

Sâî Mustafa Çelebi, Yapılar Kitabı: Tezkiretü’l-bünyan ve Tezkiretü’l-ebniye (nşr. Hayati Develi – Sâmih Rifat), İstanbul 2002.

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